MyJms – Tibco JMS Client

Last updated on September 14th, 2020


This is a simple and free application for connecting to Tibco JMS servers, attach to the queues, post and browse text messages etc. It is a single window application requiring minimal configuration and with basic features.


  • Please download MyJms from here
  • Given below is the download folder structure
  • Apart from the files downloaded from here, you need to download and supply the following jar files for the application to work.
    This is present within the J2EE installer available for download from Oracle website

tibjms.jar, tibjmsadmin.jar, tibcrypt.jar
    These are present within the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service available for download from Tibco website.

You may either copy these files under the “MyJms/lib” folder or specify the path to the respective files in the MyJms.cmd file. Please make sure that your actions are in compliance with the respective license agreements for these software.

How to Run

  • You need JRE 1.7 or higher installed in your system.
  • If all dependent jar files are available within MyJms/lib folder, you can simply double click on the MyJms.jar file to start the application.
  • If some of the jar files are in a different location, you can edit the MyJms.cmd file to reflect the respective paths and run the application by double clicking on this file.

Application Interface

This is a single window application with the following panes

  • Servers Pane
  • Queues Pane
  • Queue Messages Pane
  • Custom Messages Pane
  • Content Pane
  • Status Bar


MyJms Screenshot


  • To add a server, click the Add button in server pane. Provide values for the following fields
Name      -  Any suitable name for the server
Url       -  Server url. This can be TCP or SSL (eg: ssl://
User      -  Tibco server user name
Password  -  Tibco server password
Admin     -  If the user is authorized to "show queues" in the server,
             select "Queue Discovery Enabled". 
             Otherwise choose "Queue Discovery Disabled".
             When enabled, the application will automatically fetch and display
             the list of Queues from the Server when connected.
  • To edit a server entry, select the row in the list and then click the Edit button.
  • To delete a server entry, select the row in the list and then click the Delete button.
  • To connect to a server, double click on the server row. Connected server will be marked in green.
    • To filter servers by name, enter the pattern in the filter text box and press Enter key.
    • To see details of a server, simply select it in the list. Details will appear in the content pane.


  • If Queue Discovery is enabled for a server, the Queues Pane will automatically list the configured queues in that server when connected. A refresh button will be provided to refresh the Queues Pane (get current list of queues, pending messages per queue etc).
  • If the Queue Discovery is disabled, one has to manually add the queues. For this Add, Edit and Delete buttons will be provided.
  • To attach to a queue, double click on the queue row. The attached queue will be marked in green.
  • To filter queues by name, enter the pattern in the filter text box and press Enter key.
  • To see details of a queue, select it in the list. Details will be shown in the Content Pane. If Queue Discovery is disabled, pending messages count will not be available.

Queue Messages

    • When attached to a queue, the Queue Messages Pane will list the messages in that queue.
    • The title of each message in the list is basically the time stamp of the message in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss am/pm format.
    • Please note that the application does not consume the messages from the queue. It will only browse through the messages and list them here.
    • By default the application downloads and lists the messages in the past 2 hours.
    • To filter queue message by time stamp, enter the pattern in the filter text box and press Enter key. Note that this is a post-filter that acts on the already downloaded messages.
    • To filter the queue messages based on content rather than the time stamp displayed, enable the Search Contents check box while filtering. This too is a post-filter working on downloaded messages.
    • To reload the current set of messages, press the Refresh button.
    • The Queue Messages pane also provides a pre-filter settings button to selectively  download the messages from the queue in the server. Here you can configure following values (each one is optional).
From Date  -  From which date you need to download the messages.
To Date    -  Till which date you need to download the messages.
Contains   -  Should the message contain any particular text or pattern.

Please note that this is a pre-filter to download the messages. The post-filter available on the pane will work as usual, but on the messages already downloaded based on the pre-filter.

  • The pre-filter will be reset when the application restarts.
  • To see the text contained in the message, select the message in the list. The text message will be shown in the Content Pane.

Custom Messages

  • This Pane allows you to add, edit or delete custom messages which you can post to the queues.
  • To add a custom message press the Add button and provide values for
Name  -  Any suitable name for the message
Text  -  The contents of the message
  • To edit a custom message double click on the message row or select the row and press the Edit button.
  • To delete a custom message select the message row and press delete button.
  • If there is an attached queue, the editor pane will also provide a Post button. Clicking the same will post the message to the attached queue. However the editor pane will remain open so that you can choose to save or cancel the changes made to the message. Also note that the posted message will not appear in the Queues pane without explicit refresh. Automatic refresh is not done due to the fact that posted messages are usually consumed immediately by some other client waiting on the queue.
  • To filter custom messages by name, enter the pattern in the filter text box and press Enter key.
  • To filter the messages based on content rather than name, enable the Search Contents check box while filtering.

Status Bar

  • All the status and error messages are reported on the status bar at the bottom.


We value and respect your privacy deeply. This application does not transfer even a single byte of data from your system to any systems or storage affiliated with us. The only network communication that is coded for within developer’s part of this software (ie excluding the java language/third party libraries) is between the application and the JMS server that it is connected to as per user request.


The application employs only basic security measures, primarily because it was developed for use within a local network or one connected via VPN. Please take careful note of the following important information.

  • All the data is stored in the database file MyJms.db created by the application. This data includes your server connection credentials. Hence in case you share the application with friends or colleagues, include only the files that you have downloaded from here. Do not include the MyJms.db file or any other file copied/added into it. Better still, you can request them to download it directly from here.
  • The application supports tcp and ssl connections. However while connecting to an ssl server, the application does not perform a host ssl certificate verification. This is still in the to do list.


Please go through the Readme.txt file inside the downloaded package for Licenses and Notices applicable for MyJms as well as the third party software bundled within the package. Please do not use or distribute this software unless you understand and agree with all the license agreements provided within the Readme.txt file.

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